Core ID
Identity verification is the process of checking and confirming the data and information provided by a person to determine if they are true and correspond to their real identity. Multi-factor verification is a more secure approach, as it uses multiple methods to confirm a person's identity, rather than just one, reducing the risk of spoofing and increasing confidence in the verification._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

anonymization.Process by which data is processed in such a way that it is not possible to relate it to the identity of a person or their personal data. Despite these processes, it is possible to perform technical and scientific analyzes on that data set. For compliance with anonymization standards, the data must be stripped of sufficient elements so that the data subject can no longer be identified, and therefore these data must be processed so that it is not possible to identify a person through the use of all reasonable means to be used by any other person.
Authentication.Authentication is a process that confirms a person's identity in the digital world. For this, the user is related to one or more variables such as passwords, tokens, identification cards, fingerprints or biometric characteristics. These factors are classified into three types: known, object and biometric. Some systems also require specific actions for more secure authentication.
Multifactor Authentication. Single-factor authentication systems, like passwords, are easy to manage but also more vulnerable due to users' choice of passwords. On the other hand, biometric systems are more secure, but they run the risk of being irreversible and linked to a person's anatomy. For the best security and convenience, the current trend is to use two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) systems. Multi-factor authentication is an authentication system that requires the presence of several different factors to verify a person's identity. These factors include information known to the user (such as a password), objects in the user's possession (such as a token or ID card), and biometric characteristics (such as fingerprints or facial recognition). The combination of these factors provides additional security against unauthorized access to protected information or resources.
Authorization. It consists of the security process to determine what actions or services can be performed according to the identity of the users.
Biometrics. Application of statistical methods and calculation in the study of biological phenomena. In security it is used as a means to identify, authenticate and control access through measurable human biological data. There are various levels of biometric security with biological measurements (DNA and blood); morphological ones that involve the structure of the body (shape of the face, eyes, etc) and behavioral ones, those based on actions or patterns such as the tone of the voice or the way of moving. Biometric data is unique to each individual and is one of the best identity confirmation tools. By the way, the term biometrics comes from two Greek words: BIOS(life) and _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_METRON (measured).
Behavioral Biometrics. This is biometrics based on own actions or behaviors associated with a person. This includes typing pattern (formerly known as keystroke dynamics), tone of voice, use of social media, intensity of heartbeat, and even gait.
cybercrime. It is any crime that involves computing devices and networks for carrying out illegal activities. More in detail, is usually used to talk about those activities directed against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems and networks, as well as the data stored in them.
Confidentiality. It is the protection of information and the guarantee that the stored and transmitted data will not be disclosed to unauthorized third parties. In the digital age, confidentiality is strengthened through the use of cryptography to ensure data privacy.
Deduplication.Mechanisms used to detect duplicate identities and ensure the uniqueness of people within a system or organization. The tools used in these processes generally include biometric recognition, biographical data, and the use of credentials.
Availability.It is the guarantee that a company's IT infrastructure has adequate recovery and protection capacity against system failures, natural disasters or malicious attacks. It is the ability to access and use resources, be it a computer network, a system, an application or data, allowing its use to authorized persons.
Face Match. Facial recognition or face matching system through which a user uses his biometric characteristics (his face) to authenticate his identity. This is one of the most used systems thanks to the popularization of smartphones and is frequently associated with the use of mobile applications (apps) and web platforms as a mechanism to keep accounts or transactions safe and secure.
Authorized source.Repository, system, or database that contains information about an individual's attributes and is considered to be the primary or most reliable source for this information. When two or more identification systems present a conflict in their data, the authorized source is used as the most secure source of information in this regard.
Identity.It is the set of characteristics of an individual, or of a community, that characterize them from others. In security it is used to talk about individuals and the attributes that make them unique. These variables include physical characteristics, personal history, beliefs, cultural, national, and gender factors, among other variables.
Digital identity.Just as there is a physical identity, there is also a digital version made up of the unique attributes of each individual that are captured, validated or _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_stored by digital means.
ID.Process of determining or recognizing the identity of someone or something. In the physical world, it is done through identity documents issued by governments. In the digital world, identification is a key process to confirm the identity of an online user. This process includes the registration of attributes and the issuance of credentials to facilitate the subsequent authentication process.
Biometric Identification.It is the process of determining the identity of a person through the use of biometric data such as the shape of the face, the fingerprint or the pattern of walking, among other possibilities. This information is then compared with a database to verify the identity of said user.
Despite the use of digital tools for the capture, recording and comparison of data, it must be taken into account that a biometric match is never exact and therefore a 100% match between the biometric template and the user's data will never be presented. As a consequence, margins must be established for the acceptance of matching patterns that obey a category called biometric threshold.
Integrity.It refers to the state and accuracy of the data involved in a process. In other words, integrity requires that the data received must be exactly the same as the data sent.
performance metrics.They are measurement systems used to determine the precision of the authentication processes. In biometrics the following stand out:
False Acceptance Rate (FAR):the false acceptance rate or FAR is sometimes known as the false negative rate or FN. As its name indicates, it is related to unregistered users who, despite them, are erroneously admitted to the systems.
False Rejection Rate (FRR):the false rejection rate or FRR is sometimes known as the false positive rate or FP. It is the opposite case of the FAR and occurs when the system denies access to an authorized user.
Biometric recognition.Procedure, through the use of technological devices, to confirm the identity of people by comparing biological and behavioral attributes.
Face recognition.It is a way of verifying the identity of a user by comparing their facial features with a database saved in a digital format. This technology has become popular due to its ease of use and its registration process that includes the measurements of the different parts of the face. The registered data is optimized and protected by algorithms to guarantee the security of the information.
cyber security.Cybersecurity is the combination of people, policies, processes and technologies used by a company to protect its digital assets. There are various classifications ranging from security of the Internet of Things (IoT), to information security, among other classifications. Some of the most common threats are ransomware, malware, denial of service attacks, and phishing. Its use has changed its motives, and sides, from its beginnings, from being a tool for extortion and industrial espionage, to the sabotage of entire nations in conflict and a tool for cyber-activists.
Identification system.It is about the set of practices, equipment, technological infrastructure, software, credentials and laws involved in the capture, management and use of personal identification data.
Digital identification system.It is a technological platform used during the life cycle of an organization's identity. It covers from the capture, validation, storage and transfer of data, to the management of credentials, for their subsequent verification and authorization de identities.
Error rate.Biometrics has a margin of error that is controlled through the definition of a threshold, which balances the false acceptance rate and the false rejection rate. A low threshold will increase the acceptance rate and decrease the rejection rate, which can be risky as there will be a greater chance of unauthorized persons gaining access to protected systems. Therefore, increasing the rejection rate reduces the risk of unauthorized access.
Check.For the context of information technology and security, it is defined as the process of confirming the identity of a user or process by comparing their attributes or credentials to facilitate their authorization and access to services.
Biometric verification.It is the verification process using biometric attributes for this purpose. With this objective, a capture of these variables is carried out, whose information is compared with a digitally stored biometric template.
anonymization.Process by which data is processed in such a way that it is not possible to relate it to the identity of a person or their personal data. Despite these processes, it is possible to perform technical and scientific analyzes on that data set. For compliance with anonymization standards, the data must be stripped of sufficient elements so that the data subject can no longer be identified, and therefore these data must be processed so that it is not possible to identify a person through the use of all reasonable means to be used by any other person.
Authentication.Authentication is a process that confirms a person's identity in the digital world. For this, the user is related to one or more variables such as passwords, tokens, identification cards, fingerprints or biometric characteristics. These factors are classified into three types: known, object and biometric. Some systems also require specific actions for more secure authentication.
Multifactor Authentication. Single-factor authentication systems, like passwords, are easy to manage but also more vulnerable due to users' choice of passwords. On the other hand, biometric systems are more secure, but they run the risk of being irreversible and linked to a person's anatomy. For the best security and convenience, the current trend is to use two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) systems. Multi-factor authentication is an authentication system that requires the presence of several different factors to verify a person's identity. These factors include information known to the user (such as a password), objects in the user's possession (such as a token or ID card), and biometric characteristics (such as fingerprints or facial recognition). The combination of these factors provides additional security against unauthorized access to protected information or resources.
Authorization. It consists of the security process to determine what actions or services can be performed according to the identity of the users.
Biometrics. Application of statistical methods and calculation in the study of biological phenomena. In security it is used as a means to identify, authenticate and control access through measurable human biological data. There are various levels of biometric security with biological measurements (DNA and blood); morphological ones that involve the structure of the body (shape of the face, eyes, etc) and behavioral ones, those based on actions or patterns such as the tone of the voice or the way of moving. Biometric data is unique to each individual and is one of the best identity confirmation tools. By the way, the term biometrics comes from two Greek words: BIOS(life) and _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_METRON (measured).
Behavioral Biometrics. This is biometrics based on own actions or behaviors associated with a person. This includes typing pattern (formerly known as keystroke dynamics), tone of voice, use of social media, intensity of heartbeat, and even gait.
cybercrime. It is any crime that involves computing devices and networks for carrying out illegal activities. More in detail, is usually used to talk about those activities directed against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems and networks, as well as the data stored in them.
Confidentiality. It is the protection of information and the guarantee that the stored and transmitted data will not be disclosed to unauthorized third parties. In the digital age, confidentiality is strengthened through the use of cryptography to ensure data privacy.
Deduplication.Mechanisms used to detect duplicate identities and ensure the uniqueness of people within a system or organization. The tools used in these processes generally include biometric recognition, biographical data, and the use of credentials.
Availability.It is the guarantee that a company's IT infrastructure has adequate recovery and protection capacity against system failures, natural disasters or malicious attacks. It is the ability to access and use resources, be it a computer network, a system, an application or data, allowing its use to authorized persons.
Face Match. Facial recognition or face matching system through which a user uses his biometric characteristics (his face) to authenticate his identity. This is one of the most used systems thanks to the popularization of smartphones and is frequently associated with the use of mobile applications (apps) and web platforms as a mechanism to keep accounts or transactions safe and secure.
Authorized source.Repository, system, or database that contains information about an individual's attributes and is considered to be the primary or most reliable source for this information. When two or more identification systems present a conflict in their data, the authorized source is used as the most secure source of information in this regard.
Identity.It is the set of characteristics of an individual, or of a community, that characterize them from others. In security it is used to talk about individuals and the attributes that make them unique. These variables include physical characteristics, personal history, beliefs, cultural, national, and gender factors, among other variables.
Digital identity.Just as there is a physical identity, there is also a digital version made up of the unique attributes of each individual that are captured, validated or _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_stored by digital means.
ID.Process of determining or recognizing the identity of someone or something. In the physical world, it is done through identity documents issued by governments. In the digital world, identification is a key process to confirm the identity of an online user. This process includes the registration of attributes and the issuance of credentials to facilitate the subsequent authentication process.
Biometric Identification.It is the process of determining the identity of a person through the use of biometric data such as the shape of the face, the fingerprint or the pattern of walking, among other possibilities. This information is then compared with a database to verify the identity of said user.
Despite the use of digital tools for the capture, recording and comparison of data, it must be taken into account that a biometric match is never exact and therefore a 100% match between the biometric template and the user's data will never be presented. As a consequence, margins must be established for the acceptance of matching patterns that obey a category called biometric threshold.
Integrity.It refers to the state and accuracy of the data involved in a process. In other words, integrity requires that the data received must be exactly the same as the data sent.
performance metrics.They are measurement systems used to determine the precision of the authentication processes. In biometrics the following stand out:
False Acceptance Rate (FAR):the false acceptance rate or FAR is sometimes known as the false negative rate or FN. As its name indicates, it is related to unregistered users who, despite them, are erroneously admitted to the systems.
False Rejection Rate (FRR):the false rejection rate or FRR is sometimes known as the false positive rate or FP. It is the opposite case of the FAR and occurs when the system denies access to an authorized user.
Biometric recognition.Procedure, through the use of technological devices, to confirm the identity of people by comparing biological and behavioral attributes.
Face recognition.It is a way of verifying the identity of a user by comparing their facial features with a database saved in a digital format. This technology has become popular due to its ease of use and its registration process that includes the measurements of the different parts of the face. The registered data is optimized and protected by algorithms to guarantee the security of the information.
cyber security.Cybersecurity is the combination of people, policies, processes and technologies used by a company to protect its digital assets. There are various classifications ranging from security of the Internet of Things (IoT), to information security, among other classifications. Some of the most common threats are ransomware, malware, denial of service attacks, and phishing. Its use has changed its motives, and sides, from its beginnings, from being a tool for extortion and industrial espionage, to the sabotage of entire nations in conflict and a tool for cyber-activists.
Identification system.It is about the set of practices, equipment, technological infrastructure, software, credentials and laws involved in the capture, management and use of personal identification data.
Digital identification system.It is a technological platform used during the life cycle of an organization's identity. It covers from the capture, validation, storage and transfer of data, to the management of credentials, for their subsequent verification and authorization de identities.
Error rate.Biometrics has a margin of error that is controlled through the definition of a threshold, which balances the false acceptance rate and the false rejection rate. A low threshold will increase the acceptance rate and decrease the rejection rate, which can be risky as there will be a greater chance of unauthorized persons gaining access to protected systems. Therefore, increasing the rejection rate reduces the risk of unauthorized access.
Check.For the context of information technology and security, it is defined as the process of confirming the identity of a user or process by comparing their attributes or credentials to facilitate their authorization and access to services.
Biometric verification.It is the verification process using biometric attributes for this purpose. With this objective, a capture of these variables is carried out, whose information is compared with a digitally stored biometric template.
Reduce phishing fraud.
Increase conversion rates.
Combat money laundering, terrorist financing and online fraud.
Valid authenticity of Information.
It is the primary source for the collection of information in the creation of the digital identity of the users.
Promotes AML/KYC and KYT compliance.
By using multiple methods to confirm a person's identity, you reduce the risk of spoofing and increase confidence in the verification.
By employing various methods to confirm identity, the risk of fraud and identity theft is reduced.
Some regulations require multi-factor verification to meet security standards.
Multi-factor verification allows users to use different methods to confirm their identity, providing a higher level of flexibility.
It allows companies to scale their identity verification processes to accommodate a greater number of users or a greater variety of transactions.
Reduces the amount of personal information that is stored and shared, helping to protect users' privacy.
It gives users the possibility to authenticate on different devices, be it from a computer, a smartphone or a tablet, which makes the verification process easier.
Reduces the time and costs associated with identity verification.
By using multiple factors to confirm a person's identity, users and businesses can have more confidence that information is protected and secure.
multiple factors
A solid confidence
How does it work?
Multifactor identity validation system and advanced digital identity creation. Fully configurable, each verification factor allows you to validate that a user is who they say they are. At the end of the process, the digital identity created will be used to use any other Anteia service safely and quickly for the user.
How does it work?
Multifactor identity validation system and advanced digital identity creation. Fully configurable, each verification factor allows you to validate that a user is who they say they are. At the end of the process, the digital identity created will be used to use any other Anteia service safely and quickly for the user.
Frequent questions
What types of documents do you accept for identity verification?
We have the ability to train our visual computing algorithms to accept different types of identity documents, we especially support the official identity documents of each country, passports and driver's licenses, mainly in Latin America.
How is the security and privacy of customer information guaranteed?
We implement multiple data security strategies, and we maintain more than 35 security, privacy and data protection policies. We run drills and have an incident management policy. Finally, through our Data Fabric, we allow the information collected to be anonymized.
What processes and technologies do you use to verify the authenticity of documents?
We use different visual computing algorithms that allow us to process information from the captured documents, such as the sources, taxonomy and other characteristics of each one of them, on which the probability that the document is authentic is presented with a very high reliability.
Do you offer any additional services or solutions to enforce identity verification, such as biometric authentication?
Anteia's identity verification is intrinsically connected to biometric authentication, our process requires validation of both the document and the person, so that we can verify if the person agrees with the document.
Do they have any experience or certifications in identity verification in a specific industry?
We have experience with entities in the solidarity sector, banking, bonds, insurance, cargo transportation industry, among others. We follow biometric and identity verification standards, following the GDPR and ISO 27701 standards.
What are the processing times for identity verification?
It can take a user between 1 and 3 minutes to finish a verification process, our methods allow background processing while the user interacts with the application.
Can you handle mass or large-scale identity verifications?
Yes, we have a scalable system to make links based on the needs and capacity requirements of each client.
Do you offer any kind of technical support or customer service to help with issues related to identity verification?
Yes, in addition to a technical support service, we have automated support systems (intelligent personal assistant) that in a friendly way help users to successfully complete a linking process.
Do they have experience verifying identity in different languages or for clients from different countries?
Currently, we are expanding in Latin America to become a global solution that accommodates all the needs of languages and people from different countries.
Do you offer integration with other platforms or systems to facilitate the identity verification process in a company's workflow?
Our system is easy to integrate, which is why we offer multiple integration options that allow us to connect with various systems, so that the customer experience is the best.
How is customer identity verification information handled and stored?
We have multiple methods of information management and storage, through our Data Fabric we anonymize and pseudonymize sensitive user data to improve user privacy. We handle different types of connections and data transfer to deliver the information to the client in a secure manner.
Do you have a process in place to handle fraud or unauthorized identity verification attempts?
Our system analyzes the verification process and, in case of finding anomalies, generates alerts, all based on the client's parameterization, so that in those cases they can manually verify if the anomaly was caused by an attempted fraud.
What kind of reports or statistics can you provide to help companies evaluate and improve their identity verification processes?
One of the functionalities in the Backoffice is the possibility of evaluating, through graphs and consolidated information, the information from the verifications in different time ranges. This is particularly useful for learning the effectiveness of a new campaign, or seeing at a glance the number of people accepted into a particular flow.
In case of fraud, are they responsible for the damage caused?
Anteia is responsible for compliance with the configuration parameters of the verification matrix, in case of any system failure we are responsible
In case of storing the information, and reaching a termination of the contract, does the transfer of the information generate a cost?
Yes, the cost varies depending on the transfer method, since it must comply with the data transfer security requirements that we have in our policies.
Do they validate the photograph of the document with the issuing entity?
The information of the identity document is consulted, in the event that the issuing entities offer this service, it can be quoted.
Does your platform work without internet?
On the roadmap there is a version of certain services that allows you to operate without a live internet connection. This version, called "Eventual Connectivity", allows data capture without any Internet connection. This data is stored on the device until it has an internet connection. At that time, the data will be sent to our servers so that it can be verified and the process is completed.
Do you have notifications sent by WhatsApp?
In cases of need, it is used as a means of backup notifications.
Is the platform modular?
Yes, the anteia services can be obtained separately.
How many checks can be performed per minute?
The indicator per client is 57.
digital identity
It is a virtual and digital representation of a person on the Internet and other digital media, which includes personal and professional information, such as names, contact information, preferences and online activity. This information allows users to interact and conduct transactions online, resulting in a more convenient and efficient experience. It can be used by companies and organizations to personalize the user experience and improve the efficiency of their business processes. It is important to be aware of the privacy and security concerns associated with digital identity. Personal information online can be vulnerable to hacker attacks and other types of cybercrime, which can result in the loss of sensitive data and breach of privacy.
Pseudonymization is a data privacy technique that aims to protect the privacy of individuals when processing their personal data. It is achieved through the replacement of a person's unique identifiers, such as their name, address, identification number, etc., with an artificial identifier, such as an alias or code.
This process allows the processing of personal data without exposing the real identifiers of the person, reducing the risk of re-identification and, therefore, the violation of privacy. Anteia implements an exhaustive pseudonymization process to protect the privacy of individuals and comply with regulations and data protection standards. The process includes identification of sensitive data, creation of an artificial identifier and its encryption, replacement of unique identifiers with the encrypted identifier, validation of pseudonymization, secure storage and use of pseudonymous data, and documentation. and process audit. We use the SHA-256 hashing algorithm to ensure data integrity and generate a unique hash.
We pseudonymize the identity verification data.
We create a digital identity.
Services such as Geneus Docs and SecurSing orbit around it.